没问题说:你总得有吃不习惯的东西吧。这个学生说,基本上没有。但是,想了一会儿说,唯一一个最难适应的是爱斯基摩冰淇淋。他曾经被派到阿拉斯加的小村子里传教。就住在当地人的家里。爱斯基摩冰淇淋是各种各样的动物脂肪(海豹油、鹿油,现在用猪油代替),加上莓子,葡萄干, 水果罐头, 鱼,土豆,牛奶,鸡蛋,糖和雪,放在一起搅碎,混在一起。他说,第一次吃的时候差点晕过去。一入口,嘴唇先让一层大油给糊住了,然后是很强的鱼腥味儿,当时就想吐,在嘴里蠕动半天又给咽下去了。那个滋味,吃完了好几天都挥之不去。问题是,当地人很好客,爱斯基摩冰淇淋算是美味,每次他到一个人家,主人都会用它招待。牧师还不能表示不喜欢吃。但是,吃了无数次以后觉得也不是太难吃了。特别是阿拉斯加那地方特别冷,吃了大油身上暖和。
Fish (white fish, pike, or any kind of salmon) 3 to 4 pounds
Vegetable oil
Berries (blue berries, salmon berries, cranberries, etc.) 1/2 gallon to a gallon
Step 1 Gut the fish.
Step 2 Chop the fish into four to five pieces (depending on the fish size). If you bought from the store, that’s fine.
Step 3 You can throw away the head, tail, and guts from the fish.
Step 4 Place the fish into a large or medium size pot.
Step 5 Fill the pot of fish with plenty of water so it covers all the fish. (The Fish must be thawed.)
Step 6 After the water starts to boil, reduce the heat so it won’t boil too hard.
Step 7 Let the fish simmer for about 20 minutes or until it’s done.
Step 8 Cool in the pot so the flavor remains in the fish.
Step 9 After the fish is cool use a large basin (bowl) to put the fish in after you clean it.
Step 10 The way you clean the fish is take off the skin, take out the bones, and squeeze out all the water from the fish with your hands.
Step 11 After you do that to the whole fish, break up the squeezed fish.
Step 12 Look for bones that got left behind, and take them out if you found some.
Step 13 By the time your done with that, the fish should be all crumbled up.
Step 14 Take at least two large scoops of Crisco with your hand and add it to the fish.
Step 15 Stir it up with your hand for at least three to five minutes, or until the fish is mixed well with the Crisco.
Step 16 If the Crisco and the fish do not blend together, add a little more Crisco until it does.
Step 17 Take the vegetable oil and pour in about a cup. You don’t need to measure (estimate).
Step 18 Stir it up until it’s almost creamy.
Step 19 If it’s not getting creamy, add a little more vegetable oil.
Step 20 Whip it up with your hand until it gets fluffy.
Step 21 Pour at least a cup of sugar into the mixture (estimate).
Step 22 Stir it up until the sugar dissolves.
Step 23 Add about another cup of sugar to the mixture.
Step 24 Stir it up until the sugar dissolves.
Step 25 Add more sugar if it tastes like it needs more.
Step 26 Add plenty of berries to the mixture.
Step 27 Mix it up.
Step 28 Add more berries to the mixture if you want more. The akutaq should have
a lot of berries in it, but not too much.
Step 29 The akutaq is ready to eat.
Step 30 Always keep the akutaq refrigerated.