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发表于 2012-9-14 04:30:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Was a Middle School Student Discriminated Against Because of the Color of Her Leggings?

An honors student at a California middle school is at the center of an alleged discrimination incident at her school. Deja, an 11-year-old student, says that a teaching assistant dismissed her from class at Mount Gleason Middle School for wearing "racy" brown leggings.

The school's dress code explicitly states that students can not wear tights alone. The assistant allegedly said the tights were too racy because their brown color made it appear that Deja, who is African American, was not wearing any pants at all.

Deja's mother, Yolanda, says the incident was related to her daughter's skin color and that she felt "discriminated against" because there was never a problem with her daughter wearing tights or leggings of other colors. In a letter sent to the Tunstill family, the Los Angeles Unified School District denies that the honors student was sent home.

The school also says that, "the appropriate administrative action is being taken," with respect to the teaching assistant. Still, Yolanda is not happy and feels that an injustice was done to her daughter. "For you to make a remark to state because the pants were brown and to make a remark about my daughter's skin color...that was not right to me." Yolanda plans to take legal action regarding the incident.
发表于 2012-9-14 04:54:13 | 显示全部楼层
荒唐! 那肤色是客观存在的东西,有什么不可以提的? 很多学校(如果不是每个)都有关于穿衣服的规定。以她这个情况,如果真的看起来像是没穿裤子一样,那很有可能会给她带来大麻烦,那助教赶她回家有点过份,但也绝不致扯上种族问题。她/他又没有说任何歧视棕色皮肤人的话。只是说穿和自己皮肤颜色一样的紧身裤看着像是没穿裤子。这也是种族歧视?

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-14 05:13:43 | 显示全部楼层
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