不知道其他国家的架构如何,澳洲的摄影协会设评审员制度。由州一级的摄影协会管理。进行评审员资格认定。我有幸被本州摄影协会吸纳为见习评审员(understudy judge)。见习期为一年。时间不是很严格,主要是要有三场judging以及主办方的评语。之后经过综合评估转成正式评审员。
作品首先按摄影者的级别分“B”级(初学者),“AB"级(中级) 和 ”A“级(高级)。每一级里又分主题作品(set subject)和开放作品(open)两类。结果为:non-acceptance, acceptance, highly commended, merit, honour.
Judging 的过程就是一幅一幅的讲解分析,如何提高等等。由于是第一次,又不是用自己的母语,心里有些没底。但一旦开讲后,发现自己出奇地放松、自信。有则多说,无则快过,有理有据,切中要害。。。。。鹰扬顿挫,娓娓道来。。。。。自吹自擂,感觉良好。。。。。
Hi every body, you hear me alright? (yes...) so I am an understudy judge. Actually it's my very first judging tonight, bit excited, and nervous as well. I feel honoured to start my judging with a club having such a long history, more than 100 years, a club with so many nice photographers like yourselves. I came here last month and I was impressed by the cosy environment and friendly people, which helps me to feel relaxed tonight. Thanks to Wayne for giving me the opportunity.
I am also glad to have John Nxxxxxxx as my mentor. John is very experienced in judging with international reputations. So tonight, if I say anything wrong, it would be all John's fault (laughter)......ok, if you have trouble understanding my accent, that's not John's fault (laughter)......I mean you may ask me or tell me to repeat or explain......that's what I do all the time (small laughter). Yes, If you have anything to say or have any questions just feel free to interrupt me.
Ok, I am not going to talk too much. We have 158 images to judge and talk about tonight. So one of the challenges for me is to control the time. I'll do my best. The way I comment will be simple: first what is good of the image and then how we may improve it. By doing this we will touch various aspects and techniques of photography, to reinforce our knowledge.
Now lets start...... |