发表于 2011-5-3 09:50:01
拉灯是美国养的不假,但没听说霍梅尼和喀斯特罗也是美国养大的吧? 老柞,你这情报哪里来的? ...
袜贩 发表于 2011-5-3 08:54
这里有一段明确指出其财力与武装并非来自苏联而是来自流亡美国、受手美国庇护的古巴民选总统Carlos Prío Socarrás。
Carlos Prío Socarrás 既然已经寄人篱下,焉能有此能力?显然是出自其后台老板,也就是美国的资助。
Since regular contacts with a KGB agent named Nikolai Sergeevich Leonov in Mexico City had not resulted in the hoped for weapon supply,[32] they decided to go to the United States to gather personnel and funds from Cubans living there, including Carlos Prío Socarrás, the elected Cuban president deposed by Batista in 1952. Back in Mexico, the group trained under a Spanish Civil War Veteran, Cuban-born Alberto Bayo[31] who had fled to Mexico after Francisco Franco's victory in Spain. On November 26, 1956, Castro and his group of 81 followers, mostly Cuban exiles, set out from Tuxpan, Veracruz, aboard the yacht Granma for the purpose of starting a rebellion in Cuba |