楼主 |
发表于 2009-9-25 19:26:00
Anyway 我还是愿意把我知道的关于做蛋糕的知识归纳出来,与感兴趣的足友们分享,因为我不是专业的,可能在理解上有偏差和错误,欢迎懂行的人批评指正。
先根据蛋糕的大小,高度,还有个人口味烤出这样的蛋糕,网上有不少现成的recipets, 我有时候偷懒,直接从超市里买来配好的CAKE MIX,照葫芦画瓢就做了。
第二步:抹奶油糖(buttercream icing)
如图,按自己需要的高度,把几个考出来的蛋糕摞到一起,中间可以加自己喜欢的cake filling(包括夹喜欢的水果), 注意蛋糕要叠得直,否则倾斜的话就容易倒塌。这样摞齐以后,再在整个蛋糕的外面抹上一层butter cream。butter cream icing 可以加食用色素做成不同的颜色。 (注: 我用的 cake filling, 和 butter cream 的做法在最后面。)
就是在上面涂好 butter cream icing的蛋糕上铺上赶好的 fondant 又名 sugar paste, 中文是糖面, 糖皮, 或者翻糖。 这个东西可以自己做,用marshmallow(棉花糖)做,然后像赶面一样赶出大小合适的尺寸,盖到蛋糕上。这样出来的效果就是非常的光滑。唯一的一点就是这个糖面只种看不种吃,因为太甜了。不喜欢的人,就做到上面一步为止,直接以涂抹上色的 butter cream 做为蛋糕装饰的基础。我呢,因为现在抹奶油的工夫还不到家,没人家的抹得那么光滑,所以就投机取巧的拿fondan糖面来盖了,而且,我更省事儿,直接买来现成的糖面,超市里有卖,因为也不贵,自己做,太花时间了,还不一定做得好。糖面可以根据蛋糕的设计需要,做成不同的颜色,加食用色素,揉开揉匀就可以了。
接下来就是装饰蛋糕了,也是用糖面来做,会用到不少工具,不同图案的 cut-outs, 以及做糖面花的工具,我是在EBAY上买的wilton的 一套,还外加一本书。
(另:如果是只做到上面的第二步为止,是以butter cream icing 为表面层的蛋糕上装饰的话,一般是以butter cream icing 挤花的方式来装饰,会用到不同的花头tips. 如同这样: 的来装饰。)
用buttercream icing 来挤花的名堂多,不如糖面的简单,糖面就像孩子们玩的那个 play dough一样 cut下来沾上去就可以了,沾的时候用一点点水就好,不要太多噢。
- 1 (3 1/2 ounce) box instant vanilla pudding or chocolate instant pudding
- 3/4 cup milk
- 1/2 pint heavy cream
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- Mix all ingredients together until thick. Place in refrigerator until it sets. Spread filling on cake & layer. *Note, cake MUST be completely cooled*.
- You can also put sliced peaches or bananas on top of filling before sealing with the cake. This filling makes cakes so tasty! Be sure to use imagination with pudding & cake flavors and enjoy!
5 tbsp flour 1 cup milk 1 cup unsalted butter 1 cup granulated sugar 1-2 tsp vanilla extract
Whisk together in a saucepan 5 Tbsp flour and a cup of milk. Cook over medium heat until starting to thicken and cook for a minute or two more-- don't let it get too thick or it will be too stiff when it cools. Turn into a flattish dish (like an old-fashioned soup plate) and let cool, stirring now and again. If the roux is lumpy when it cools, just press it through a fine sieve.
Beat together a cup of unsalted butter and a cup of granulated sugar until light (you really need an electric hand mixer or stand mixer for this). Beat in the cooled roux about two tablespoons at a time. As you beat and add the roux, the frosting turns creamy instead of grainy from the sugar (I don't know how it does that! It's like a small, wonderful miracle.). Add 1-2 tsp vanilla and beat some more until it's light and creamy. Fantastic frosting. |