楼主 |
发表于 2011-12-10 17:22:37
既没看见“幸福”的定义何在,也没看见得出结论的推导过程。以我之见,欠缺这二者的结论,属于无稽之谈。 ...
柞里子 发表于 2011-12-10 13:55
Happiness means having opportunity--to get an education, to be an entrepreneur. What's more satisfying than having a big idea and turning it into a thriving business, knowing all the way that the harder you work, the more reward you can expect?
幸福意味着拥有平等的机会 —— 获得教育的机会,成为企业家的机会。突发妙想,就马上付诸于实践,使之欣欣向荣,你知道越努力工作,回报就越多,还有什么比这更让人心满意足的呢?
Legatum recently completed its 2010 Prosperity Index, which ranks 110 countries, covering 90% of the world's population.
最近,列格坦研究所完成了2010年的“繁荣排行榜”, 从110个国家中挑选,覆盖了全球90%世界人口.
费劲....要看就看,不看拉倒,您哪.全当是"参考消息"在门口信箱了.... (不是大参考) |