发表于 2011-4-9 14:45:54
回复 1# 社员甲
"Normally ISO sensitivity adjustment of a camera is performed before digitizing the voltage outputted from an image sensor.
For example, if the ISO sensitivity is doubled, an output from an image sensor is also doubled before sampling, or after sampling. After that, when the development is performed for the exposed image, the brightness of the developed image is doubled."
"那么,我们就可以不调节ISO值,而将曝光补正朝“-”侧适当调整,即可获得适当的快门速度和光圈大小。 "
"Now, instead of increasing the ISO speed, adjust the exposure bias dial to the - side, to gain enough shutter speed and aperture. "
GOOGLE的"现在,除了增加ISO感光度,曝光补偿调节转盘的 -侧,以获得足够的快门速度和光圈。"
"In case of taking a photograph by RAW, a sensitization is available at development process, and its result is almost the same as the case of increasing ISO speed on a camera. In some scenes, a result would be much better than that. "
"老甲".....再审. |