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发表于 2012-5-28 00:16:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Alan Clark是英国以前的商务部长,后来当了外交部长。富二代,伊顿公学毕业。这人有多少个女朋友就数不清了,在位期间还被人捉奸在床。后来出版了Alan Clark日记。写得挺好看的。书里面经常介绍他的享乐。一点没有隐藏的意思。

"I was a dinner guest at Saltwood Castle, when he produced gold plates for us to eat meat off. He didn't eat meat of course. His aged butler was on hand to do the carving.

"His wife, Jane, said the trouble with gold plates is that you can't put them in the oven, because they melt. By the time the ancient butler had carved the beef, it was completely cold with a ring of white fat around it.

'Girl trouble again. Can you advise soonest?' was one note I recall Al leaving in my Members' Lobby pigeonhole one evening. Memory now fails me as to which of at least a dozen possible scrapes it referred. But it could have been the time he seduced a girl on a train between Canterbury and Folkestone soon after his appointment as Parliamentary Under Secretary for Employment."'Did I think his unknown partner in this one-stop stand could have recognised him as a minister?' he asked me in anguished whispers. Probably not, I replied, but I changed my answer when Al revealed the creative use he had made of his red despatch box to improve the excitement of this adventure."Fantasies were never far from his mind and he fulfilled an amazing number of them including, notoriously, seducing not only judge's wife Valerie Harkess but also her daughters Josephine and Alison."

"What mattered more than anything else to Alan was perfection. In the competitive atmosphere to secure the first volume of his diaries, I took a dummy book to show him what we'd do."He stroked the pages and said 'you really mean you'd print it on paper of this quality?' as he hated cheap paper that yellowed at the edges."This love of quality struck me whenever I visited his apartment or Saltwood Castle. He'd grown up with wonderful things and he loved adding to them. His clothes, his shirts, his watches - he loved buying new watches. But some of his classic cars were in a terrible state - he was very cautious about restoration as he didn't want to destroy the integrity of the thing.

"He loved Porsches and Jaguars but hated Italian cars, complaining that they were very poorly made, which annoyed many readers."He also used to regard polishing a car as terribly middle-class - he liked his own cars to be scruffy - which wound up the anoraks who'd spend their weekends lovingly polishing their cars. But they loved him regardless.

He was a complete rogue. I was very relieved that I was not his type of woman. He had trouble with women as equals - women to him were either beddable or they weren't."I came across his darker side as a result of a conversation with a constituent who was a gun manufacturer. He was after an export licence. I asked where they were going, and he said somewhere in the Middle East - but purely for self-defence."So I asked Alan [then the minister responsible] and he said 'no trouble at all, my dear'. Of course it later turned out that the embargo on selling weapons to Iran and Iraq was being broken. It all came out in the Matrix Churchill arms-to-Iraq case - when they questioned Alan, he knew all about it.

发表于 2012-5-28 01:11:45 | 显示全部楼层
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