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ZT: 越洋访谈实录:一个普通美国人眼中的陈光诚事件

发表于 2012-5-24 02:05:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Me: Hi Guy, Let’s not talk about business today, I have an interesting issue to discuss with you.
did you hear about the story of a Chinese blind man who came to USA?what is your opinion?我:嗨,伙计,咱今天不谈生意,我有一件有趣的事情想跟你讨论。
Warren: Blind Man? he in NY沃伦:
me: yes, he went to NYU,what do you think about the the entire story?
I like to hear some different voice,
can you write about it?我;
Warren: no real opinion on it,samo samo, govt try to silence guy, guy gets away沃伦:
me: oversease chinese big fight on it我:海外华人为此而争斗厉害呢。

Warren: make govt look bad,usa solves problem says he can study here and get a "professor" job at some school, china look bad,,,but also solves problem and gets it off the daily news, that's about it, personally- i think the guy just looking for fame, want to be martyr沃伦:让中国政府很难堪。美国把问题解决了。说他可以在这里学习,并在某校获得教授的工作。中国很难看。但是也解决了问题。使这事不再每天报道了。就这么多。从我个人而言:我认为这家伙只是为了出名,想当殉道者。

do you think hecan be a professor?我;你认为他可以当教授?
Warren: he'll teach human rights stuff, rights of people沃伦:他会教人权, 人的权利之类
me: donyou think Obama gonna look bad?我:
Warren: why obama look bad ?沃伦:为啥奥巴马难看?
me: some American says that he can't even save his own poeple job but nosy about other country我:有美国人说他不能管好自己国家人民的失业问题,却去多管别国的闲事。
Warren: everybody happy here,,, : it's like "saving the whales"...we did a "good deed"沃伦:
me: go to yahoo, many people complaining
我: 去雅虎看看,好多人在抱怨呢。
Warren: about what?沃伦:
me: complain about US taxpayers pays his family to survive, he is not contributing to USA我:抱怨说美国纳税人为他和家人买单,而他没有对美国社会有任何贡献。
Warren: doubt it,,,probably locals and theuniversity,they are the ones who pay,private fundingbut i personally think the guy just looking to be famous,,,,trouble maker type....i think he'll cause problem here and embarrass USA at some point沃伦:不会吧。也许是当地人或大学支付的。他们才是付钱的人。私人基金。但是我个人认为这个人只是想出名。麻烦制造者。我认为他会给我们这里制造麻烦,一定的时候可能让美国难堪。

I am trying to find out, the real thinking我:
Warren: that my thinking, most people are happy he get out, think it cause problem for
make china look weak,but actually - why keep a problem that the whole world keeps focus on? get rid of the problem,,,and usa took him in, so, problem solved,no he'll be our problem, now he'll be our
me: Do you think that Rpublicans are using him as bullet to shoot Obama?我:你认为是共和党要用他当子弹打击奥巴马?
Warren: people like him i think like to cause issue...soon he'll be yakking it up the "usa needs to do this, and that",,,and soon he'll just be a pain in the ass, the dems look good on this - not the R'sit's the Dems that got him out,,,the R's just yaking沃伦:像他这样的人喜欢制造事端。很快,他就会吵吵
me: but it's gonna back fire on dem,right?我: 但是,民主党将会因此后患无穷,对吗?
Warren: gonna back fire on Dems and R's沃伦:民主党和共和党都将有后患。
me: some people say he just fighting for his own rights
by disobeying the national policy that favor more people's rights,what do you think?我:
Warren: the problem is that it will encourage every knucklehead there to try to do the same thing -and they'll all want to come to USa cuz china ain't all that....otherwise people not always want to come here, and the big sharks wouldn't try to get all their money out of there and get it to USA or europe, even the big sharks not plan to stay there, look at that guy and his wife - moving almost $ 1billion, never see american trying to get some where else, no american snake heads to get to china,or mexico,or canada沃伦:
me: some guy in China already copying and trying to do the same by attacking an USA guy in Beijing to get international attention, No, lots of people now snaking into China from russia or North Korea, Africa and many other countries now我:
Warren: they're not americans, lol, russia,,,who can blame them, it's a POS,corrupt too,and cold as hell.
but soon the Chen and his family won't be news- unless he try stir the pot. so he'll probably align himself with those types, and be the "leader" and yak it up too much.like those people who sit in front of consulate and pray all day. so, they just need keep him busy teaching some class in NY and stay out of the way.i don't think media here that interested in him. the story over,,,he is here now..so, now what ?沃伦:他们不是美国人啊。(笑),
Me: But some Chinese people overseas cheering him verymuch by calling him human rights hero, what do you think?我:
Warren: it's funny -most of those right wing R's don't want some
mexican here that just wants to mow your lawn for a good price, but instead they want to support with 1000 times as much money some freakin' guy who can't speak english and really doesn't have an educationthat the way i see it沃伦:
me: that's why
people doubting this is the some kind of political fight between d and r我:
Warren: i don't think the USA wanted him,,,it was just big news at the time, and china not want him either.hopefully, i think USA just hope he stays low key沃伦:我不认为美国真的要他来。只是因为当时是个大新闻。中国也不要他。我认为,美国希望他保持低调。
me: what do you think about his future,
do you think he can survive well?我:
Warren: his future? he not have future here,for a while he's ok,,,but soon the "star power" wears off and Americans find another "pet" project,,,then forget about him沃伦:他的前途?
me: some people say he can survive on people's donation我:有人说,他可以靠捐赠谋生
Warren: after a while people won't want to donate....it always happen that way沃伦:过一阵子,就没人捐款了。历来如此。
me: do you believe people will donate for his whole family for his life?我:你认为有人会为他全家负责捐款一辈子吗?
Warren: no,,,no way沃伦:不可能,绝无可能。
me: then, what will be his future?我:
Warren: he has to bring something to the table,his future? probably get his wife a job in restuarant, maybe she get 2 jobs,沃伦:
me: that means, he has to keep fightingwith China
on USA soil like other dissidents?我:
Warren: his story isn't fight against china for lots of people,,it was just his fight沃伦:他的故事不是为了许多人与中国作对,只是为了他自己的权利而战的。
me: for himself?
Warren: it's not a "movement",it's just one guy and his complaints against the govthe not fighting for a bunch of people,沃伦: 这不是一个“运动”。只不过是某一个人对政府的抱怨。他不是为一群人而斗争。
me: do you think he is human rights fighter and hero?我:
Warren: the thing he was doing before about complain about "foreced abortion" or whatever,,,,that not just his fight,,,that other issue, not his, that not just one personthe reason he here is his own personal complaint沃伦:他以前做的投诉“强行流产”之类,
me: why you think so?我:
Warren: why think so ? cuz that's all that reported,,,about how he detained in house, yada yada yada,,,沃伦:为啥这么认为?因为这是媒体报道的啊。关于他如何被监视居住在房子里。等等等等。
Me: it is said, China spent 30 million on all sorts of suvailance equipment to watch him and detain him, what do you think?我:
Warren:costr $30million? that's ridiculous,get him and his family some plane tickets and the school put him up somoewhere,less than $10,000..whoever say $30mil is just hyping nothing. it's like fishing,,,evetrybody make the fish bigger,maybe china spend $30mil over time,,,,usa not gonna do that...private funders got him a plane ticket, and the school put him up in some shitty apartment, in 2 weeks nobody talk about him any more until he makes noise,

me: what do you think he can do here?我:你认为他在这里能有所作为吗?
Warren: the only thing he can accomplish here is to stir up a bunch of people here,,,but those people not need him to stir up ,,they get stirred up about everything anyway, 沃伦:
me: what do you think about China let him go?good choice or bad我:
Warren: in one way it makes them look weak,in another they solve a problem and get rid of the guy,,let him get lostin the noise of america,沃伦:一方面(中国放他走)让他们看上去很软弱。另一方面,他们解决了一个问题,把他搞走了。让他消失在美国的噪音里。
me: what is the difference between the declining of an official's asylum petition who has more stuff that can interest USA, but take in a blind man who has almost no valuable information for USA?How you think of this?我:
Warren: the value of the Chen is that his story is more widely reported and he just a obody,,,,not a big issue for china, but the official could cause real disruptions in the relations of the 2 ountries. plus - we probably already had or got the info the official was looking to bargain with. so, that's just a loser,,,he probably not have much of real value to the usa, just some dirt on some people。沃伦:陈的价值在于他的故事广为流传,他只是一个无名小卒。对中国无足轻重。但是那个高官就会真正地引起两国之间的关系破裂。再说,我们也许已经掌握了那些那个高官用来讨价还价的情报。因此,准许高官的申请不是上策。他也许根本对美国没有什么价值,他手里只有某人的一些把柄而已。
me: many people dream to come to USA,and has not real channel, can copy this, petition for
asylum. Do you think America will take them all in?我:
Warren: there is no problem for resettlement of people just because they don't like where they are.economic reasons is not a cause for asylumand USa very wise about all the scams chinese use before to stay here - religion, had to get aboriton, etc..沃伦: 人民想到哪里从新定居应该没有问题,但是,经济原因不是政治庇护的理由。美国很明白中国人以前为了留下来而用过的那些骗术---宗教,强迫流产等等。
me: what if they are dissidents?我:
Warren: hard to do now沃伦:
me: so you think ameircan govtthink those are just tricks?我:
Warren: yes, watch all that very closely沃伦:
me: then why do they still take Chen, some people think he played that trick我:
Warren: i'm not there, so i don't know,,,personally i'd have left him there, bigger problems to solve in the world than his沃伦:
me: why do you think OBAMA has to take him我:
Warren: it makes it look like negotiated agreement - china ok to let him go to "study overseas' and there was place here, NY, that said he could study there, so, it was easy way out to solve for both sides,i think the USA probly was thinking " i wish this guy would just go away"."he just fucking up stuff for our big meeting",cause problems.沃伦:
me: what big meeting?我: 什么会议?
Warren: you need to get "american" mentality.big meeting that Hillary was there, he was interrupting her,
the Chen planned the escape for that。沃伦:
me: I heard that he wanted her to bring him back to USA我:
Warren: dreaming! so, one guy cause much tension in those talks between USA and china
me: so USA don't like it?我:
Warren: internally im sure they wish it not happen. Gary Lockewould not want the guy to stay there沃伦:
me: Do you think USA would like to see people in China to throw the government over?我:
Warren: no, I think they like to see reform in China, more human rights, play by the rules of the WTO and open markets up,let the currency freely float in the markets沃伦:
不, 不希望。我认为美国政府希望看到中国改革。更多的人权,遵守国际贸易组织的规矩,
me: but many people think USA planned to help people in China to throw the goverment over。我: 但是,许多人以为美国计划帮助中国人颠覆他们的政府
Warren: over throwing govts is dangerous,,not know the outcome,,,沃伦:
me: Is a new government better than the current one?我:
Warren: it's one thing to get rid of the guy Libya,,,it's quite another to get rid of a govt over 1.4billion people,just like Russia - what a mess when that collapsed沃伦:
me: American government like to see that?我:
Warren: USa has no interest to overthrow the govt , makes that region to unstable沃伦:
me: isn't it better if China unstable so American can take it over like Iraq to rebuild and implant democracy?我:
Warren: ??? that's ridiculous,there are more people in texas than there are in iraq,there are 4 times as many people in china as there are in usa,figure it out.沃伦:
????(你说什么?) 太可笑了!
me: so, still it will be huge market for USA to occupy ,best way to get most benefit ,what is the best way for China and USA relationship?我:
Warren: history says occupiers seldom last.
going back to Persia 2500 yrs ago and Alexander the Great, the British of the 1500's and 1700's, to the Russians and the soviet union,and the USa in iraq.
you cannot make the people like you long term - even if they hate ttheir govt, because at some point they are all nationalist. will be fighting against the invaders, people have to decide what type of system they want,and the USA thinks the chinese people should have a say in what type of system they have,so, that why they push on reform.沃伦:
Me: thank you very much, from not much opinion, you got very good opinion, I will share it with my web world, to let people hear your voice.我:
后记: 由于时差关系,咱不好意思耽误生意伙伴的上班时间,咱自己也困的不行。 便暂时打住了。访谈是用Gmail 聊天室进行的。所以,很多英语表达很口语化,也有一些简写。比如 Dem, 表示民主党,R 表示共和党。
发表于 2012-5-24 15:59:43 | 显示全部楼层

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