突然心血来潮,将一古联的一部分Google翻译了一下,得到了这个东东, 试试你能逆过来吗?
Wei Feng Feng Gong, 伟烈丰功
struggling to move the mountain effort, 费尽移山心力
the beads curtains painted 尽珠帘画栋
the volume is not as rain as the clouds 卷不及暮雨朝云
they will be broken Jie residual monument 便断碣残碑
are paid with Cang smoke down 都付予苍烟落照
only to win 只赢得
a few pestle eruption 几杵疏钟
half river fishing 半江渔火
two rows of autumn Yan 两 行秋燕
a pillow cream. 一枕清霜