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发表于 2012-6-20 20:13:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

澳洲人民竟然遭到瑞典人民陷害,进了发展中国家的使馆,申请厄瓜多尔政避。这人也够会申请的。厄瓜多尔是什么国家?当然民主国家。不过就是每次换届,上一届失败的就集体进监狱,上届财政部长还在果外窝着呢。 从澳洲人民经历看,他的判断力真够呛,不是盲人胜似盲人。

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange faces arrest, police say Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, who is seeking asylum at Ecuador's London embassy, faces arrest for breaching his bail, police say.

Mr Assange, 40, whose conditions included staying at his bail address between 2200 and 0800 BST, spent Tuesday night at the embassy.
Last week he failed to reopen an appeal against his extradition to Sweden.
Mr Assange, wanted for questioning in Sweden over rape and sexual assault allegations, denies any wrongdoing.
Ecuador had said it was "studying and analysing" Mr Assange's request for asylum.'Without merit'
Mr Assange's website has published a mass of leaked diplomatic cables that embarrassed several governments and international businesses.
Mr Assange fears if he is sent to Sweden it may then lead to him being sent to the US to face charges over Wikileaks, for which he could face the death penalty.
Two female ex-Wikileaks volunteers alleged in 2010 that Mr Assange had attacked them while he was in Stockholm to give a lecture. No charges have been filed.
Last Thursday, seven judges at the UK's Supreme Court dismissed Mr Assange's attempt to reopen his extradition appeal as being "without merit".
The Australian has until 28 June to take his case to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in Strasbourg. His lawyer, Dinah Rose QC, said he was considering whether to do this.
Swedish authorities have said the ECHR would intervene if Mr Assange was to face the prospect of "inhuman or degrading treatment or an unfair trial" in the US. 'Extraordinary twist'
BBC News legal correspondent Clive Coleman said Scotland Yard's plan to arrest Mr Assange was "another extraordinary twist in a truly extraordinary tale".
Mr Assange is on £200,000 bail, provided by high-profile supporters including socialite Jemima Khan and film director Ken Loach, who each offered £20,000 as surety.Continue reading the main story “Start Quote

It was during the interview that empathy really appeared between them - I think it was at that moment that the idea came to Assange's mind”

End Quote El Telegrafo editor on Mr Assange's TV interview with Mr Correa for Russia Today

Our correspondent said that, as Mr Assange had broken the condition of his bail that he lived at a friend's house in Norfolk, a criminal offence had been committed.

If the situation was resolved by Ecuador "effectively putting him on the doorstep of the embassy" for police to arrest, he may not be prosecuted for the breach and the extradition to Sweden would take its course.
Mr Assange's supporters would have to argue that, as it was always known where he was, they should have their bail money returned, our correspondent said.
But as it was with the court to provide security and bail had been breached, it was possible they would lose their money, he added.Persecution claim
Meanwhile, Ecuador - whose President Rafael Correa has previously clashed with Washington and is a fan of Wikileaks - had said it was "studying and analysing" Mr Assange's asylum request.
Our correspondent said Mr Assange faced an "uphill struggle" in persuading Ecuador to grant him asylum, as he would have to show he was being persecuted for his political beliefs in his native country Australia.
But in all the court hearings, there had been little suggestion this was the case.
In a statement, Ecuador's embassy in London said its decision to consider Mr Assange's bid "should in no way be interpreted as the government of Ecuador interfering in the judicial processes of either the United Kingdom or Sweden".
"As a signatory to the United Nations Universal Declaration for Human Rights, with an obligation to review all applications for asylum, we have immediately passed his application on to the relevant department in Quito," it said.
"While the department assesses Mr Assange's application, Mr Assange will remain at the embassy, under the protection of the Ecuadorean government."
According to Associated Press, Ecuador foreign minister Ricardo Patino told reporters Mr Assange had written to Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa saying he was being persecuted.
In April 2011, Ecuador expelled the US ambassador in Quito after Wikileaks published an American diplomatic document alleging widespread corruption within the Ecuadorean police force.
Earlier this year, Mr Assange interviewed Mr Correa on the Australian's chat show on the Russia Today TV channel.
Orlando Perez, editor of Ecuador's pro-government newspaper El Telegrafo, told BBC Mundo that, during the interview, "empathy really appeared between them" and it was at that moment that seeking political asylum with Mr Correa "came to Assange's mind".
发表于 2012-6-20 21:25:19 | 显示全部楼层


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